EnsBro Decorated Wearables Co.
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Custom screen printing / embroidery / ink transfer textile imprinting

I started this new company with one mission in mind: to provide fast service  and stay true to what we do best. I've been in the decorated wearables business since 1988 and have a reputation of producing high quality screen printed and embroidered garments. Together with my new associate Mike Bro, we will provide a high energy,creative and fun atmosphere. Stop into our office today! Let us be your next vendor for high quality decorated goods.          

Scott Ens      President

EnsBro outfitting:

Corporate / Schools / Small Business / Organizations  / Individuals / Churches / Athletic Teams

With Creative Logo Wear.
since 1988

Print Shop Hours:  Monday thru Friday 6:00am - 2:00pm.

Sales Office Hours: Monday 10:30am - 5:00pm

Tuesday thru Friday 9:30am-4:30pm.

Early Morning and Late Afternoon SALES OFFICE Appointments Available upon Request.



Color Transfers While You Wait!

EnsBro Online Catalog

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GIVE US A CALL 952.885.0950
outstate(only) 1.800.9ensbro

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220 West 98th Sreet Suite 5 Bloomington, MN 55420